A brief recap of some of the history concerning the Maritime Provinces will
help to make this all more understandable. The French had long been settled in
those provinces, had built up their farms, built sturdy home and raised their
families. But along came the Treaty of
Utrecht in 1713. This was a peace treaty of sorts, more like a series of peace
treaties. So nearly 100 years after the first French settlers arrived, King
George of Britain
decided there were too many of them and that they were a decided threat to his
territories. It was then the Grand
Derangement began, lasting from about 1755 - 1763. The French were driven
from their homesteads, some were returned to France ,
some went to Maine , others scattered from Quebec to Georgia
and many more ended up in LA. This is not meant to be a history of the politics
of that time. It was not a peaceful time. It was time of the French and Indian
War. There were skirmishes and battles. The French often destroyed their
buildings and their crops before departing. The Indians also burned and looted.
The population of the area was depleted which created the need to invite new
settlers to these lands. In 1758, Governor Lawrence issued his first
proclamation inviting New Englanders to come to Nova Scotia to settle the lands vacated by
the French. This created a huge amount of interest and finally led to a
considerable number of New Englanders settling in various parts of the
Province. In some cases, the government offered to pay for the transportation
of whole families to move them to Nova
Scotia . Many
of these people were of the Baptist faith and whole congregations left as a
group. In the 1760’s Nova Scotia included all
the land that later became New
Brunswick . For those doing any family research into
the Sackville and Amherst areas of New Brunswick ,
it’s good to keep in mind that until about 1820 or so, those locations were
still in Nova Scotia .
Jonathan Cole was still living in the area of
Swansea/Warren/Barrington when he married Elizabeth West in 1750. She was from
Rehoboth MA, the d/o Abigail Wheeler and John West. Elizabeth was the great granddaughter of
Richard Bullock through her father John West, who was a Mayflower descendant
through the Soules. Jonathan Cole was a great, great grandson of Richard
Bullock through his father’s mother, Hannah Eddy. They were 3rd
cousins once removed. Jonathan and Elizabeth had two sons, James and Edward.
But then Elizabeth
died in 1755 leaving Jonathan with two young boys to care for. As often was the
case, Jonathan then married a young widow, with three children. This was
Abigail Martin Estabrooks, widow of William Estabrooks. To complicate things just a bit more, Abigail
was the half sister of Jonathan’s first wife, Elizabeth West. Their mother,
Abigail Wheeler, had married John West first and later married Ebenezer Martin.
So now Jonathan and Abigail had five children, two of his and three of hers.
They were married in 1756 in Warren RI. They then had three more children all
born in Warren
by 1762. At some time after the third child was born, they joined the exodus to
Nova Scotia
and appear on the rolls of grantees in 1763.
It’s time for another sidebar. When Abigail Martin
Estabrooks entered the scene, she brought with her the connection to the
Wheelers. Her grandparents were James Wheeler and Grizzell Squire. Their daughter, Abigail
Wheeler (who first married John West and then Ebenezer Martin) is my 5x gt.
grandmother. Abigail’s brother James Wheeler (jr.) married Elizabeth West,
sister of John West. This James Wheeler
and his wife Elizabeth West Wheeler are 7x gt. grandparents of President George
W. Bush. That means President Bush and I are 7th cousins twice
Another interesting connection has been found through the
Bullocks. Richard Bullock had three daughters who have played a role in the
ancestry of many people. Elizabeth Bullock married Caleb Eddy; Abigail Bullock
married Obadiah Bowen and Mehitable Bullock married John West (the father of
the above John West). The Eddys and the Bowens are integral parts of the Cole
family tree. Mehitable and John West were the parents of Elizabeth, the one who
married James Wheeler jr. Therefore the Bullocks are also ancestors of the Bush
family. But there’s more. Mehitable Bullock and John West are the 4x gt.
grandparents of James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States ,
also making him my 5th cousin twice removed, the common ancestor
being Richard Bullock, Mehitable’s father.
Back to Jonathan Cole and the migration north – It’s not
known if the whole family traveled with him and arrived en masse or not. Many
lists of people taking advantage of the land exist, but in that day, women
weren’t mentioned often so it’s difficult to know how many of the women and
families were actually in Nova Scotia
during the early stages of settlement and development. In 1763, nearly 70
people made application for lands in the Cumberland
area, Jonathan Cole, Jonathan Eddy, Elijah, Obadiah and Joseph Ayre. Nehemiah
Ward and Josiah Throop among them. There were also people named King, Peck,
Walker, Winslow, Martin, Danks and Gardner. Many of these people came and
settled, clearing land and building roads and homes, yet not all of them
stayed. An Isaac Cole of Providence Plantation in RI was one such man. (Many
farms were called plantations. Isaac had a farm in or near Providence .) He was a 2nd cousin
of Jonathan Cole, going back to Hugh and Mary Foxwell Cole as the common
ancestors. Isaac was married to Sarah Estabrooks. She may have been related to
the William Estabrooks who was Abigail Martin Estabrooks Cole’s first husband,
but I haven’t tracked it yet, so I don’t know of any connection. The Estabrooks
played a large role in the development of the new lands and the name shows up
on a list of subscribers for the Township lying on the Tantramar River
in 1761. A word of caution, this name has a variety of spellings, all of them
for the same family. If you’re researching this name in Canada , look at
all spellings. I’ve seen the name spelled three different ways all in the same
document. But Isaac Cole apparently did
not go to Nova Scotia
or settle there. He may have had good intentions, but for some reason, they
fell through. Because Isaac did not settle in NS, it appears that Jonathan Cole
was the only member of his family to go north. Other than Isaac, he is the only
one named Cole to appear of any of the early lists.
Jonathan, his two sons, James and Edward, his wife Abigail
and her three children, Elizabeth, Grizzell and William Estabrooks, and the
three new Cole children Ambrose, Patience and Martin (all born in RI) settled
in what is today Sackville ,
New Brunswick . Two more children
were born in NB, Jonathan and Ebenezer (1767). Not much is known about Jonathan
so it is possible this child died young. Ebenezer is my 3x gt. grandfather.

April 19 1775 the shot heard round the world was fired as
the Minutemen and the Redcoats clashed at Lexington
and Concord .
This put considerable stress on all the families who had moved into Canada . They
were still British citizens but many had deep loyalties toward the colonists
and especially, family members who remained in New England .
Some of the new settlers moved back to New England ,
some others joined various components of the Continental Army. It was a time of
upheaval all up and down the eastern seaboard. How this affected Jonathan
Cole’s family in Sackville ,
NB will be the subject of the
next blog.
The Chignecto Isthmus and its First Settlers, Howard
Trueman, 1902
The History of Sackville, Dr. W. C. Milner, 1934
Hi there, I am also a Cole and cannot get any further than my great great great grandfather Jonathan Cole born in 1813 in Pennsylvania or New York, died in 1870. Wondering if we may be related or you have any information?