The Narrow Gauge
Imagine living on a peninsula with only two connections to
the mainland. Imagine this peninsula becoming a summer resort, with hundreds of
people wanting and needing to get to fresh air, sun, sand and ocean. At all the
right moments in time, all the bright, creative minds decided Winthrop needed transportation. It was still
the age of horse and buggy, but no one living in Winthrop
could make the journey to Boston
to work. Where would they park the buggies, where could all those horses be
kept during work hours, how could they all jam back through two narrow land
connections to get home? A railroad was a brilliant idea. There were already
several small railroad lines, operating independently, in the areas surrounding
Winthrop , and briefly, in Winthrop . One was the Boston ,
Revere Beach
and Lynn Railroad, which originally by-passed Winthrop . Construction began and by 1888, the
Winthrop loop
was added to the BRB&L. This evolved into steam driven locomotives, more
tracks being laid and eventually, an electrified system. In Winthrop , it was simply called the Narrow

(In this picture, my grandfather is in the middle.)
This railroad played a vital role in the lives of
In my family, the Narrow Gauge was the backbone of my
mother’s family. My Gt. Grandfather, Matthew Broderick*, an immigrant from Galway , Ireland ,
started out in Hyde Park MA. By the 1880 census for East
Boston , his occupation was listed as section hand for the RR. In
1900, he was living in Lynn
and had become a Section Master. His son, John, now 21 years old, my
grandfather, was also working for the RR and held the job title of baggage
master. As a section master, Matthew was responsible for getting the tracks
laid through Winthrop Beach and into the Highlands .
As the family story goes, he was well noted for his accuracy. John, while
working on the trains going through Winthrop ,
met a resident, Alvina Chambers. They were soon married and took up residence
on Locust St. ,
just a short distance from the Ocean Spray Station. This is where my
grandfather reported to work (no commuting for him!) each day. *(It is unknown
if there is a family connection to the movie star of the same name. That’s another journey!)
The Narrow Gauge Relief Association held annual concerts and
balls at Crescent Gardens in Revere ,
often attended by numerous dignitaries. The 27th annual was chaired
by John Broderick and many state and city officials were expected to attend.
Special trains were scheduled to run at 2 AM, when the gala ended, to ensure
people were able to return to their homes. The news clipping I have is not
dated but through a process of elimination, I believe this event happened in
1925. There was no explanation of the meaning of ‘Relief’ as used by this
Probably the last picture of my grandfather in his conductor's uniform. He's the one on the right.
Ruth Broderick Pye’s scrapbook
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